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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  July 7, 2010 10:00pm-10:50pm EDT

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%-for days.sidents sweat it out >> alllthey did was run and get a bunch of fans. >> why this is not the first time there is trruble there. >> tragedy on the ddlaware rrver. the umber of ppople thrown into %-and how many are still missing >> ttere is no way toostop prostitution. only can control it.3 >> legalizing prostitution. why one man said it will solve baltimore's budget woes..3 >>i kkow theyyare trying the best they can. but it is just heartbreaking. >> and a puppp down in a storm sewer for days. the elaborateeways rescuers are trying to get her out. >> live, in high definition, from wbff tv in baltimoree,this ú% fox 45 news at 10:00. ú% the temperatures keep rising and the reccrds keep falling.
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the fifth time this yeaa that3 the thermometer tops triple digits. it is awful.ul. hot. >> tonight,,the continued heat %-and an inccrased need to stay% cool, as baltimore bakes. jeff barnd is off tonight. this brutal hhat wave claims and puts all of us at-risk ii some way. maryland officiall said a person was found dead in baatimore in a home. ú%r temperatureeinside of the home, over 90 ddgrees. and o far this year, eight people in maryland have died because f the heat. that stresses the impprtance of ú%ying to stay cool n weather likk ttis. ú%t keith daniels joins us live3 -fommnorth altimore to tell us from bge.3 >> and a train stopped n thh the passengers n board.ves of karen pprks will joinnus liie showing us what is beiig donn tt
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keep commuters safe. nursing home in dowwtown baltimore. anddit has been evacuated anded the staae launched an investigation tonighh. jeff abell shows us that the facclity's record is hardly cleen. >> at ravenwwod nurseing andú >> icc cold, ice cold. >> it is moving day. and for many residdnts ittcould not come soon enough. >> very uusett because my sister is in there. >> residents omplain theecenter has been wittoot air conditioning for the past four %-when state officials learned f the news yesterday, they ordere3 -tate officials ssy the mercury inside had hit 92 egrees. >> all heyydid was run ann get a bunch of fans. and faas do nottcool you off in3 temperatures like that. >> they had coolers and stuff in there. %-hot enough to cook eggs. >> today all 150 resideets wereú beinn moved to othhr facilities.
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anooher emergenny.gencc, came one resident wws rushed to thh hospital. his illness sttll unknown. >> i want to get this moved. >> state officials areeprobbng why the facility never notifyed ú%e state. >> it would have been obviously know. for the veey reason that we could have been more rractive.3 we could have gotten surveyors ii there soooer. >> in a statement officials here at ravvnwood said they areú working to ensure the safety of the residenns. ann taking everr ssep to resolve this matter quickly. >>the record here at ravenwood is hardly clean.3 last year it was cited for 22 health deficiencies. twice the number of other facilities in the state..3 >> the tip of the iceberg. >> for now, resiieets aae heading to a cooler place.ú but at raveewood the heat is
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stiil on. ú% jeef abell, fox 45 news at 10:000 -> now, if you have a relative at ravenwood and you need to know where hey were taken.ú at (410)837-4990. are making direct calls to check on elderly residents. >> we just want to be sure you were ssfe and in a place with air conditioning. >> the city's health department spent all day today calllng 3603 ú%oole. -ost of whom over 90. and the city will arrange toú pick them up and bring them to cooling center if they need t centers like this on south eaton werr open until 7:000tonight. if ou need one tomorrow call%1. %-the centers oo our websiteef links. >> a dangerous job in east baltimore today. made eeen more dangerrus innthis %-ffrefighters battled a tto--lm fire in east baltimore.
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happened at 3:00 on east north avenue off north patterson park two of the three row homes ttat the fireeddpartmeet does takee3 extta precautions o make sure %->> after battling theefires we will orddrrthemmoutside, to sit in thh cooler envvronment andha3 anddprovide rinks to cool them off. %-so we have to make sure that e have the necessary resourcee at hand to care for hem. >> now, a woman inside one of the homes gottout okay. >> power problems loom asú baatimore bakes in the scorrhing and so a warning tonight from -eithhdaniels live in orth baltimore with the utility3 company's plan to keep the ower on. >> here is the alert..3 bge said te ht weaaher haaú triggered an unusual demand. high demand for electricity. and now the company ii asking
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customers to help them keee the power flowing. >>as emperaturrs soar, aad the heat bbats down on the city. peoppe like kimberly tanner do what they ccn tookeep cool. -he is on the sseps, outside f her day characteer in medfield -ith wattr. aan tte kkds. it is awful. it is hot. >> hrouggout the reccnt hot days of ummer there has been aú huge demand for electriciit. peoole turning down the thermossats and blasting tte ir ú%nditioner, but with the ú%%-is the threat of a blackout. heet related power outages. >> when it ii hot utside, that heats up some of the equippent. >> bge workers are onitoring ú%e electricc rid system that powers 13 statts, iicluddigg3 maryland, in this region. they say that the increased -ower usage can stress and overheat equipment. -ause ower supply problem. to prevent that, the utiliitú company wants customers, to conssrve energy.%>> you wantttoú
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of heat unnii the eevning hours, when the temperature goes down. when usaae s down. so you do ot want toouseethe like that.3 includes setting air conditioner thermostats higher than usual. >> i can't. >> if health ermits. -ut ffr nina hawkins it is not %->> i do everything i caa ot. have to.3 buttwhen it comes to ú%ich means when it is like this, i have to keep the air on. if it is 80 degrees, we turn the ú% on and i put on fans. >> well bge is doing its part to conserre electrrcity. thh company switched several of the buildinns to the generators, to help reduce the sage on the grid. we're live in north balttmore. keith daniels, fox 44 news at ú%>> thank you, keith. >> earliee we asked you, are you trying to conserve eleetricity? during the heaa wave? so far 33 percent say yys..3 james wites on our wwbsite.
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everything is off. except the tv and the air conditiining.ú i keep the curtains closeed too kkeppthe heat out. but shiela writes on faceeook. absolutely not. i am going to be comfort nab my homm..3 they will charge e for it so i mine as well use ii. go to and let sound off on facebook.%ing. and send us a tweet@foxbaltimore. yyu can text us at 45203. fox 45 b foo no. and we're going to hear more ressonses coming up on thh "late edition" at 11:00. >> well, this is the thhrd ddy in a row where temmeratures have toped 1000degrees. %-chief meteorologist vytas reid %->> jeeniier we're talking abot last month, two days in the -00s. this mooth looking at threeú days, back-to-back. and we did breakk nother record. ouu high today wws 100 at wii3 thurggod marssall airport. at the past ecord of 99 degrees -bck in 1993. and the normal hhgh should be
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around 87 deerees.ú so you see we're weel abovv that. we have cooledddown a bit for tte overnight temperatures. still hot.3 and sultrr.3 looking at 90 in baltimore. 91 in d.c. 79 in salisbury. and haggrstown at 88. but you noticed the major metropolltan arees are holding the heat beccuse of the concrete holds theedaily heating ffom the sunshhne. now we are deaaing with dry conditions. normally we should see we arr at 19.16. 2 and a half below where we and wweare trying to see where the nexttrain is coming from. ddy right now. next systtm, over the midwest. -his aree of low pressure and cold front s going to continue3 to march our way. in the us changesslater talking about another hot day ttmorrow. but we may not ggt into the 100s. but we could get mmybe a few show you when the cool down gets here coming up in the seven-day fooecast in a bit.
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thank you, vytas. >> and you caa be in chhrge of your own very own personallzed forecaat.ú i-radar is available at ú%xbaltiimreecom.. you can use the inteerctive tools to track any coming sttrms. we need the rain. %-go to ú%heat, keep your eyes open. we ant you to see it, ssoot it, send it..3 you can uploaddany pictures that you see out theer. upload them to our weesite. go click on the see it, shoottit, send t -nd you can also send pictures direccly from your cell phone. to >> welll more trouule oo the tracks. as marc train riders cootinue tt ú%pprrence dellys. %-cammen yardsswhere one train coming rom dc was more than an hour late ttnight. kkren? oneetraan was suuposed to arrive here at camden yards around but the train after that as3 supposed to get here 30 minutes %-both traans were very, very
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late. but lately it has ggttennout of it is 6:33, here at camden yards. bb on the track. people anxiously wait for passengees on board. 6:45. 7:15. but aa 7:34, thii rain fnaaly shows up. >> people have no choice but to take the marc train o get to d.c.. -coing home, i am tired, want to go home. it is hot. >> kinddof frustrating. ttey ave to put another engine on the train.3 they did not say why. >> trains in trruble, a problem -ark officials try to expllin. >> wheneeer we have the kind of severe heattthat we are havvng right now, we anticipate someú deeays. heading to baltiimre from dc, sat on a train for 90 minutes witt no error water.
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>> weeks after hat, theee have been mechanical problems. and some trains without air. switches ooerheat. in thee intertime they freeze. ú% the siigals don't work.3 %-d.c. everr he train to and she said the problems persist, but the price of the ticketssdon't chaage. so ttat's sommthing to be thankful to god for. because we have gotten ate3 word that mta has newwcustomer3 service iiitiatives that incllde extenned customer call hours -rom 6 .m. to 11 .m. and sooing emerggncy waterr3 supply on trains. until 11:00 to assist customers. and for mooe information on mta services you an gooto our links. reporting live at camden yards. karen parks,,fox 45 news at -0:00.
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>> and stay right herr, for more information n this extrrmely -ot weether. chief eteorooogist vytas reid will beeback to telllus when it will get cooler. the problemm farmers are facinn. cooing up in 20 minutes, righh hhee on fox 45 news t 10:00. >> a body was found in the ater the body of a woman pulled from the middle river about 2:00 ttis afternoon. no word yet on the identity. appearrtoobe any obvious signs3 ú% foul play. >> thh virginia staaeemedical examiner reveals exactly how yeardley love died. reeort said that she diid from blunt fooce injuuy to thh head. and the caseehas officiallyybb3 pllyer from ccckeys vilfound dead in her offfcampus apartmen3 %-ex-bbyfriend george huguely is charged with firrt-degree murder in heedeath.3ú he remains behind bars without bail. case, will be released tomorrow.
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>> baltimore cityys ealth ddpprttent has a new commissioner. mayor stephhnie raallngs-blake the health departmenn.s head of replaaing sharpstein that resignnd to work for he ooo and drug administration. diiector for he nee yorkkcity public school system. ú%-nto the haads rather than to unneeground society. >> later on fox 45 nnws at 10:00.ú bring intooother states.e things and why it probably won't happen >> the message on lindsay the excuse for the obscene word seen in court. 3 >> and it is day number six fora :m@ @@ %3
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>> it is day number six for a puppy. trapped underrround in northwest %-myranda stephhns is llve nearú thh site with theelateet attempt to ggt the puppp outt myranda, what is going on tonight?%here, at po avenueeands %-the puppy out. tt ry toogetú the puppy's mom intooa manhole %-it is a teehniiue haa they he will ork better than hat they >> it is breaking my heart. >> renee speaas have been worried about herrfour legged >> i love aaimals.t know. heartbreaking. i know they arr trying the best
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ttey an. but it is just realll puppy nick-named baby po has been trrppeddundergrouud t thh corner of p o and garriion avenues. >> it is ttrribll. thatt' almost -- i almmst cried. by kids. and animal control thinks thatú she fell n..3 come on, shootime. >> all tried differenn wayy to3 get hee out. >> i have bbee feeddnggher nddú giving her water. -> with nooluck. puppy moves ffom drain to draii >> on wednesday animal control brought n reinforcement. and lowered a siblingg that as %-hoping a familiar face and sm3 might lure her out. meanwhile, n officer goes through anotter manhole checkkng for any signs of tteelost puppy. >> nothing in ttis. -> a short wwile later the officer comes back up.3 >> no dog seen. ú%u there is some cool air down
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there. now.fter more thhn n hour, her friend will makeeit out okay. okay, she will have aalot oftú people that want her. really truly. >> aa this point, animal connrol is asking annone that ay have special equipment to help search %-them a actually give they plln to be out hhree forr3 probably, another 45 minutes, f %-tomorrowwill be back out here that'ssthe latest at northwest balttmore.ú%myranda stephens, f3 -0:00. >> thank you, myranda. the fate of a woman accuueddof -illinn herrhhsband and trying to shoot herrown daughter. ú%ryykoootz has enterrd an insanity plea, on day two of deliberations, jurors assed the judge a handful of queetions. %hat the judgeewould not answer. mong them, whh woull pay foo %-tt a mental institution? goes did she hhve a return airllne %-aad what degree did ron koontz
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today.n psychology? >> he federal aviationn3 administration said it s not terrible mmd-vac crash.fered bb the attorney for well said faaa3 -as efused to pay the damages. conlinked last year that the ccash that kklled foor was caused by seeeral factors, including outdated weather information. wellls ttorney said the nnxt agrees to heea the fight over -lots n arundel mills mall. ú%dge said hh people fighting a %-it on the ballot in november.t part of a budget issue and budget issues can beepart of a voter referendum. slots opponents collecced 40,000 signatures,,and the corddsh company wants to buiid the slott
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the appeaa. 3 ú%>in the racc for governor incumbent o'malleeyand foomer3 governor ehrlich are setting siggts on education.ú as john rydell r the two contenders are clashiig over who has done ore to help students.3 >> governor martin o'malley.3 >> on the grounds of germantown elementarr in annnpolis, the governor is talking education. new sccool is reppaaing the old one, ith a price ag of more than $43 mmllion.ú the oveenor ssid ovvr the past four years, his adminissration on chool construction.billion and he claiis that's double the3 %-economy hat ww aar building.3 >> and if he is reelected school constrrction, with hopes of replacinggmany of these temporary classrooms. >> bob ehrricc said whennhe was governor he incrrased spenning
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he saas that's double what the -'malley administration spent. if elected ehrlicc said he wouud dooble the numberrof publicly funded charterr chools. >> the more charter schooll ww have out there, the better educated our kids in marginal >> there are 42 public charter schools state wide. maryland is now vying with othhr %-toohelp expand charter school. and while govvrnor o'malley said he supports charter schools, e saiddthey are not necessaaily approorrate ffrrall students,,in all urisdictions. school, in a school systemmand getting a good education there is less pressurr for the charte3 schools. >> but hrlich said more charter schools create a ssfer because there is more economy teacher, local school board, you namm t thee are able o ontrol ú->> spirited debate on how best to enhance tte quality of
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in annapolis, john rydell, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> state ooficiils expectee to %-whether marrland is a fiial lt to gee hundreds of millions of charter schools.ú >> stay with fox 45 news,,for go anddclic3 on he vote 2010 icon in the news features section. -he newest mission oo nasa..3 president obama apparently wants %-of course theeshuttle programs return to he moon have beee put on hold.3 but now asa's top addinisttato3 -utreach, in the muslim world. and n an interview with the tv there. %-wants him to do three things, inssire kids ii mathhand ú%ience. improve international relations. >> and thiid and perhaps3
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ú% reach out tt the muslim world and engage much more with dominantly mmslimmnations to ú%lp them feel good about their historic contributiin to ssiencc and engineerrnn. >> welll tte former head of nasa calls that plln deeply flawed. but he white hoose is not backing away from bolden stttement.ú -> if iidon't gee water for this the next 33oo 44days, it will be >> unbearable heat, baking crops. the things extreme to do to stay in busiiess. later on foo 45 news at 10:00. hands of socciey, rather than to underground societyy %-can sex and drugs elp soove r budggt problems? the mount of mmney it could -ring in. break. ú% looking at another 100-degree daa out there around baltimore. ú%cord breeking. right now downtown baltimore %--inancess
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%-the countrr aae coming up wit3 soom creativee emeeies to balance budgetss sin.onight's cover torr.ú >> baltiiore city struggles and furloughs, onn creative businessman said he has a fix for the city's finances. >> we could have a bunny ranch model here. maybe put a million dollars a yeaa in thh coffer. >> is legalized prostituttoo the answer to save baltimore's -conomy? -ennis hoff seems to think so. ú% ees havv the money go into3 the hands of society rather than to unneeground society. %-brothel in nevadd.h, llgal >> people are curious. and they would muchhrather have ú-theyywould the treet annthan -here s no way to stop prootitution. youucan only control it.
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guys just want tt haae fun.úú%>s -rality series cat it >> our shhwwis a little it f ú%ama. it is a littte bit f sex -ducation..3 it is little sex. >> but hoff's broohelland others like it, aren't just aaouttsex.3 >> the bunny ranch is the largest taxpayer in our county. >> the sex businnss translates into ttx dollars. and lots offthem. for counties in nevada, wheee prostitution is legal. >> we''e paying a quarter milliin dollaas a year for liiensing. >> in fact, rothels in nevada bring in an eetimated $400 milliin a yeer i tax but he idee of hoff's ranch ooening n baltimore, probabll take he chaane. it is too risky. becauue of the religious groups3 that suppoot them. >> we tried to talk to the mayor. and hh city council presidentt about hoff's million dollars
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offfe. thee did not want to talk about a spokesman said the mayor does not upport it. and would not explore the option %->> the cityywould be out of is mind tooconsider an option like ú%at. there are other legitimate alternatives that will help the3 city become more whooe. >> sidney ford is he executive directoo of yana a grouppthat works with ooen anddkids involved with prossitution. >> for a looal brothel it is nú be raped ann we seeethat as harmful thing for many reasons. >> prostitution, especially as a %-two months, is devassatingover women. >> but sex, issnoo the only%--tt is generating some attention an3 local jurissictions.ey, ffr worstt ossible scenario. the aae offmedical marijuana, and marijuana laced is expected to generate hundreds
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of thousands of dollars in sales tax revenue thhs year alone. lawmakers in tte cash strapped state of california aae hoping to levee a 5 percent tax on medical marijuana. and an additional 10 perccnt a3 %-marijuana wouud be legalized -here for recreational use. >> ere at hooe in maryland. a push o legalize medicinal marijuana failed to ainnenough support during the lastú legislative session. >> there are clearly people tha3 benefitted from medical marijuana. ú%%-it is compassiooate care. >> the whole issue of medical ú%e of marijjana, to me has very little to do with helping people ú%d more with baby boomers wanting to smoke pot to go high. >> delegaatedan morhhme who is a version of the bill.. and aathough theestate wwuud not ffnancially benefit from the legislation, thh delegate saadd3 it is sommehing that could be considered down the road.
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-> i think tte first thing to doo is to get a compassiooate marijuana law passed. sse howwit works. and then, ii at some poont in the futureeit would seemú revenue mooel, we could consider it thhn. >> well, if he is reelected delegate morhime plans to legglize marijuanaafor mediciial puuposes. >> a rude message on her fingers. lindsay lohan's excuss ater on foxbaltimore.ccm at 11:00. ú% if i don't get water on this3 in the next 3 or 4 ays, it would be gone. doing in thissunbearableeheat o keep the rops alive. coming up, after the break. >> ww haveeseen severrl days with 100ss and a break from the heat aaound what we coul @
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>> it is the uestion ttatú peeple havv bben askiig vytas all daa long. well forrthree days nnw. when will ii cool down? >> theepressure is on. bbt, you knoo, it is summerr ú% we still ave august.tter.h. >> we do. but we are not done with t. but we are sseing a heaa surgee3 talkeddabout the snow the other -ay, when we were 90 days ago now we are havinggto try to cool off. it hhs been xtreme weather out there. we nned a break from mother nature. looking at the ssycam. 90 degrees downtown right now. innerrharbour. the winds are out f the and we do have hhmmdity levvls ú% 511percent. and we saw another weather record brokkn toddy. out theee with the temperatures. was 99 ddgrees. prrvioos record and that was back in 1993. and today we hit a record of 100.%so we are seeing thee teeperatures once again in tte lowee 100s.
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yesterday 115. but 101, still a hot temperatur. with a new record on aathird day here. so again loooing at how the temperatures started out his morning..33 75 this morning. sunn ose and warred up the atmosphere quickly through thee3 day.3 and you can see that there is no %-we have been dry bone dry, out %here for the last few weeks. soowe do need help froo the skk ground. and that ould start tt join us later s we g into tomorrow. share where hat i coming from. we had heat advisories acroos the area earlier today. they have eepired. maybe could bb reissued tomorrow witt the temperaaures in the mmd 90s. but we have some excessive heat wwtchessaaound pphladelphia. where they have a potential for more hot air up ii that area. -he state in the lowerr 00s..oss %-domiiant over the 95 corriior3 still holding on to the lower 90ss cross the central portion toward dc.
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ann then we drop ittto 70s over in salisbury. western maryland feels good at 73 degrees. bigger picture hhre. you can see he emperatures sttll on the hot note. and temperatures cooler back in chicaao. 77 degrees..3 hint of things to come..3 because weehhve cllar skies now. but theee is a cold front that is slowly seeping oor way. ann that will help ussbring the tempeertures down as we go3 toward the weekend..3 timing it out on theefuture scan. ttmorrow light chance for aú shower, pop-up showerr we ope tooget a drink of wwter. but it looks like theebetter ú%te friday. friday night to saturday, giving us a chance of showers aad thundeestorms.ú as the front pushes in. so tomorrow, slight chance for rrin on tte eastern shore. 92 degrees..3 -round the central portion of the ssate. looks like we will hit a high of 97. under 100. that's a good thing. still hot. sliggt chance, 20 percent, 30 percent chance for a stray %-sunshine.the state, 95 wiih3 toniiht 85 degrees, clear skies. tomorrow lininn at theeslight channe for a thunderstorm. ii the afterroon. -s keep an eye to the sky.
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but a hot day. 92 fridayy fronttpushes through down to 87. which ffeel better. a chaace for showers and thunderstorms. %--nto the lower 90s.onday, bac3 but this wwll be the relief %-as weeround out the work week. back to you ennifer. >> thank you, vytas. baltimore baaess farms in the region are frying..3 crops are drying up froo the heat. and the lack of rrin. and melindaaroeder shows us how ú%rmerr railroad struugling to save what thee can. >> you know, hard to believe that we weree ecord nowfall to >> with hhat like this, dirtt3 dries p fast. >> ttis is aapumpkinnplant. %-not enough moisture to get ito ú%me up. and if not for onsttnt dii. >> four to 500 gallons a minuteú ú% puts out. >> rrigation is costly and time consuming. but it is his ooly hope for healthy harvest. in the next 3 or 4 days it will be junk.
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>> still he predicts smaller yyelds due to heat thht is3ú >> those rootssare alive. ú% it is putting stress on all3 the peach trees too.3 >> just salvageesomething.ú >> farming is a regular eudú with mother nature. to buuns up bbfore you get then you just one day at a times do he best you can. >> shoppers are sure tt noticeú if tte produce is not perffct >> trr to patronize roadside places. local markets.ú >> because i ike fress hooe grown stuff, and i was a yes, so i like fresh stuff from thh gardee. >> this was the firrt set.ú ú% the farmers forre themselvvs ú% work in fiercc heat. >> wooking hard for 2 or 3 weeks. %-they cannot relyyon rain.hen >> hopefully the good lord
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hard to make our own. >> melinda roeder, fox 45 news3 at 10:00. >> well, rain rops are also in trouble and many hey fields are burned that means less fooo ffr the livestock. and that eat wave could have big impact nnpriccesii the coming months. >> nextt tte frantic searcc for two peoole, after a barre ann a philadelphia. the thingg thht happen on that tour boat moments before the crash. >> and llndsay lohan had an obsccne message written on her fingernails when she was in
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does a former drill sergeant make a terrible therapist? patient: and that's why yellow makes me sad. i think. sarge: that's interesting. you know what makes me sad? you do! maybe we should chug on over to mambie pambie land where maybe we can find some self-confidence for you. ya jackwagon! tissue? crybaby. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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:m >> a baage colliies with a tour boat in philadelphia. ú%laware rivvr. two peopll, 16-yeaa-old girl and a 200year-old man are still -issing. the accidenttinvolved onn of the duck boaas like we used o have in baltiiore.ú wwth minor injuriess thh boat was having ssme kind of sitting in the water, waitingg3 for help, when the crash happened. >> welll yesterday we told you the story f the sobbing lindsay lohan in courttas sentenced to 90 days in jjil. ttoay, it is the story of hhr3 manicure. take a ook. well, acttally, you cannotttake
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first of all -- there theyyare. we annot really ssow you what they ssy. was it meant for the judge? well, lindsay said on twitter i3 had nothiig to do with court. ittwas just an air bruss design3 from a stinsilll >> if you want to be 93 movie. now is our chance of judy kurtz -eveals how your "youtube" video coold make it to the screen. >> hey waat it for a new movie. you and thh rest of the millions of peeple on eartt. "video share"ing site is collecting is ideos from everyone calleddlife in a dy movie. ii shows video submited from aaound the world to capture a sing he day on eartt. saii all the videoo must be filmed on aaurday. july 24th. life in a day is slateed too3 fiimmfestivaa. to find out how to send your
10:46 pm"word on the web". i am judy kurrz and that's -tniiht's "word onnthe web". ,3 >> the orioles aam jones had a [ male announcer ] your tv is starting to feel nervous.
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it heard what happened to the vcr and the cassette player. and the answering machine. it knows what happens to obsolete technology around here. what you need to help your tv understand is it's not the one that's obsolete. it's the cable technology that's obsolete and fios is the one making it obsolete. it's time for fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities visit at 800-974-6006 tty/v. >> finally you wanttto know when we wiil get a break from the heat? %-see 97 tomorrow.e weekend.
10:49 pm
stillla little hot..3 movinn n. a fronttwill start to move in. cool front drops ussfriday afttrnoon, friday night. ww could get maybe rumbles off3 could be strong. look at the temperattres. 877saturday. which is good ews. should be. sunday, monday, more sunshine. lower 90s, and we stay in the lower 90s with a few mmree3 showerr possible monday, tuesda3 %-and much needed rain ann a brk -rom the extremeeheat. back to you jennifer. >> thank you, vytas. >> the oriooes were hopinggto ú%oid another sweep. bruce cunningham joins us now to tell us iffthe birds could take that final game in detroit. bruce? you know they could not. coming up on "sports unlimited". it has been that kind of year for the o's. were theyyable to law the way back? ttereeis the clue..3 highlights and low lights next. >> nbb stars are beginning to allgn. players jjiiinggforces in the local kid that signed a big time %-and risten berset goes to mar clayton's footballlcamp in


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